Monday, April 30, 2007

Bombay DUG UP!!!

Left office at 10 pm. Got a bus reached bandra at 11 pm and then i thought i was lucky to get a call centre car to drop me next to my home. I got in it hoping that i would reach in half an hour but no it took almost an hour to reach Goregaon from Bandra.

First hurdle came near Nanavati Hospital a massive hole has being dug up at centre of the road which looks similar to a crater in the moon. Only one car can pass at a time. It took almost 20 mins to clear that hurdle.

Then came jogeshwari, the footpath on the left hand side has being dug up and the great rickshaws just come in between without any signal.

My driver an old man around age of 55+ got pissed off really at some point, whenever he saw the road empty he thought he was sitting in a ferrari and trying to zip past the rickshaws and other cars with honking galore. That the part which i hated most....

So from now on decided not to travel by road (or say call centre cars) until the slow paced BMC fill up the whole mumbai up. Go anywhere and roads are dug and traffic going insane. If the BMC does not complete the work before monsoon then gonna see a massive chaos all around.

Work fast a**h****
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