Friday, July 4, 2008


Again from Auntlaya Blogspot here i post something which she has written so beautifully....

It is about Suicide which i keep hearing about in Mumbai and other cities of India...I feel sad for those who love the deceased one but could not help them.

Only thing they would say is "Only if he/she would have told us about it".

Read the text below and it would be helpful for us those who would love to help others.

“Suicide victims are not trying to end their life . . .
they are trying to end their pain!!”
—Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program®

One life lost to suicide is a loss too deep for words. For some people, the
pain they feel is so deep and so wide it appears to be unconquerable.
If you are considering suicide, please let my words be close to your
heart right now as I say to you: Dear one, do not despair, you are not alone.
There is a way out of your pain. You are only one person in the world, but
you mean the world to those who love you. Even if you are not in a place
right now to know that, it is true.

“The higher something is, the lower it falls. So too, the loftiest revelations
are to be found in the lowest places. Therefore, if you find yourself in a
place seemingly devoid of anything spiritual—don’t despair.
The lower you are, the higher you can reach.”
—Menachem Schneerson

The dark place you feel is exactly the place for you to search for the spark of light within you. Your pain is the beacon to show you where to direct


YOU DON’T HAVE TO LEARN EVERYTHING THE HARD WAY your healing. The way to heal is to apply your love like a salve to the place inside that hurts. ASK FOR HELP. It’s okay to ask for help. There are people who have survived what you are going through. They are looking to find and help you!

Know that you may not find the right connection on your first try. Keep trying. Some people can’t understand where you’re coming from. They are afraid or maybe they are just not able to help. Ask and ask until you find the right help.

Know that there are people who care!
Know that the pain will lessen.
Know that healing happens.


Even if you can’t find someone who can understand your pain, you will for sure find someone who CARES.

There are people who have devoted hours of their lives to convince you to hang on, reach out, and get the help you need to make it through to the other side of the pain.

There is a way to break through the pain and get to the other side to see the meaning and purposefulness and value of you. In a seminar a man held up a hundred dollar bill. “Who wants this?” he asked. All hands shot up in the air. He crumpled it up. “Now who wants this?” he asked again. Again, all the participants held up their hands. Next, he threw it on the ground, spit on it and stomped on it. “And now?” he asked. Still, all hands went up.

He went on to tell the participants that they are like that hundred dollars. No matter how crumpled and trampled that bill became, it held its value. No matter how down or dark you feel, and even if you don’t get it now, you are valuable.

Some people reading this chapter have lost someone they love to suicide. If you are grieving the loss of a loved one to suicide: It is okay and important for you to reach out and ask for help as you grieve. There are ways for you to heal and ways for you to make a difference. There are whole books written for people like you who have survived such a tragic loss. Reach out. Heal yourself, touch another and in so doing you might help another to heal.

“Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just
show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come.
You wait and watch and work: You don’t give up.”
—Anne Lamott, writer

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