Thursday, December 31, 2009

Start of a New Decade

And 2009 is about to end and with it a new decade starts in next 10 hours...many things have happened over the past 10 years good, bad and ugly. If we start to make a list, we would go more than 2+ pages of blog.

For me, I don't recollect the good and bad just move on and keep on learning which should be my next years resolution...starting with web designing to making pastries and travelling more.

You would say why Pastries, hey this one thing would put me in high pedestial of being cute and free cakes to people in birthdays and making it more personal.

Losing weight which I have being putting it all through 2009 but no more of pushing it ahead in 2010. Few signs are showing so all in all have to work on it.

So let us all Glitter this year and make everyone happy.
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