Friday, August 15, 2008

In Love!

As said in previous post about the girl who i like/love (still confused), had a chat and sms's with her for a long period of time. Then one day blurted out something which i was not supposed to do. Decided to meet her.

Zooming back to the past....i have never told a girl about my feelings to her or even proposed anyone so this becomes a very important event for me.

Decided to meet near her place and to tell her of what i feel, on my bike thinking all the way what to say and how to say and I knew there was a flower shop next to where we meet so decided to buy a Rose for her. We sit in a crowded coffee shop (not an ideal place i guess) and we chat about general stuffs here and there.....and she poses the question "so tell me something about xyz?"

XYZ is a girl name who I just randomly picked up to say that i like her so as not to give out the details online (hated it that time)

And the conversation continues:

Me: You know there is no XYZ girl
She: Ya i knew it.
Me: mmmm
She: So who is she.
Me: You know it is embarrassing......(long pause) is you.
She: Ok...ahaahahaha
Me: So what do you think.
She: Well i dont have that kind of feeling for you.

I just move back on the chair and take a deep breath....ok...fine.....

I am a Optimist Pessimist (dont ask me what it is...for that i would need to meet you)

I was expecting a yes answer but was not hurt after being rejected, this was the first time I proposed a girl and I guess this has lifted a big burden out of my chest.....just thinking that rejection does not hurt much.

One good thing out of this meet was...had some great muffins and made a good friend.


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